Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm not sure why, but this is funny.

If you've been around the internet a lot, this one is most definitely not new to you. I've been asked what I think the funniest thing on the internet is. This guy just might be it. Drat!

This is his "second attempt". Its his best, but his third attempt is quite funny too. “That’s one of the things I hate about balloons” is my favorite line from #3.

Kids, stay in school, and move out of mom's house before you turn 40.


Shanell said...

I'm trying not to LOL because the babies are asleep, but I think I might have peed my pants! I've never seen that I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it! Thanks!

kiki said...

that way very interesting Rayn i was wondering have you seen Candy Mountion on youtube yet i here that it is really funny. well g2g bye

kodiak73 said...

Is this auditions for Lame and Lamer?

BTW - I saw on my bro's blog you offered to give him access to your wife's blog... yet no offer to Jamie and me? I'm hurt! At least tell her Happy Birthday on Monday for me...

MIchelle said...

What the smell was that, and where did you find something like that? That really was funny.

kodiak73 said...

Now I may slow down to one post a month every so often but 3 posts then abandon? Your Jedi mind tricks aren't working too well...